New occurrences for the flora of Mount Lebanon and rediscovery of Daphne pontica
最新版本 由 Check List 發佈於 2023年4月20日 Check List

During a series of surveys in two valleys of Mount Lebanon between 2014 and 2020, four new occurrences of vascular plants were detected. Atropa bella-donna L. (Solanaceae, Spermatophyte), Circaea lutetiana L. (Onagraceae, Spermatophyte), and Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill. (Celastraceae, Spermatophyte) were recorded for the first time in Lebanon, while Daphne pontica L. (Thymelaeaceae, Spermatophyte), thought to be extirpated in Lebanon was rediscovered after 70 years. This resource was created to summarize the occurrences of the specimens collected.

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El Zein H (2023): New occurrences for the flora of Mount Lebanon and rediscovery of Daphne pontica. v1.7. Check List. Dataset/Occurrence.



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Occurrence; Specimen; Occurrence




Hicham El Zein




The surveys were carried out in Nahr el-Assi (Metn District) during 2014 and 2015 and in Wadi Jhannam (Minie-Danniye District) in spring to winter of 2018–2020. The valley of Nahr el-Assi in Baskinta is located 10 km eastward from the Sannine summit, the second-highest point in the Mount Lebanon range (2,628 m a.s.l.). The valley of Wadi Jhannam is located 13 km north of Qornet es-Sawda, the highest summit of the range (3,088 m a.s.l.).

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [33.922, 35.679], 緯度北界 經度東界 [34.475, 36.229]

All vascular plants were identified to the species level.

Species  Euonymus latifoius,  Daphne pontice,  Atropa bella-donna,  Circaeae lutetiana
起始日期 / 結束日期 2014-03-01 / 2020-10-08

The surveys in Nahr el-Assi (Metn District) during 2014 and 2015 were carried out for the project Determination of Important Areas for Plants and Creation of Three Plant Micro-Reserves to Conserve Rare or Endemic Species in Lebanon which was funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF; project 63257) and aimed at the creation of a Plant Micro-Reserve for the protection of Drosera rotundifolia L. Three plant species, Circaea lutetiana L. Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill. and Daphne pontica L. were fortunately discovered during the fieldwork in 2014. The surveys of spring to winter of 2018–2019 in Wadi Jhannam (Minie-Danniye District) were carried out for the project Distribution and Red List Assessment of the restricted range endemic Jacobaea mouterdei (Asteraceae) which was funded by Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (project number 180519099). The surveys of 2020 were carried out for the project Determination of the Floral Diversity and Conservation Value of the Valleys of Hell with Focus on the Range-Restricted Endemic Jacobaeae mouterdei (Asteraceae) which was funded by the Rufford Foundation funded (project number 32258-1). Daphne pontica, Atropa belladonna L. and Euonymus latifolius were found there.

計畫名稱 Determination of Important Areas for Plants and Creation of Three Plant Micro-Reserves to Conserve Rare or Endemic Species in Lebanon (CEPF funded project 63257) + Distribution and Red List Assessment of the restricted range endemic Jacobaea mouterdei (Asteraceae) (Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund project number 180519099) + Determination of the Floral Diversity and Conservation Value of the Valleys of Hell with Focus on the Range-Restricted Endemic Jacobaeae mouterdei (Asteraceae) (Rufford Foundation funded project 32258-1)
辨識碼 CEPF funded project 63257 + Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund project number 180519099 + Rufford Foundation funded project 32258-1
經費來源 The work carried out in Wadi Nahr el-Assi in 2014 and 2015 was supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund under grant 63257. The work carried out in Wadi Jhannam was supported by the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund in 2019 under the project 180519099 and by the Rufford Foundation in 2020 under project 32258-1.
研究區域描述 The valley of Nahr el-Assi in Baskinta is located 10 km eastward from the Sannine summit, the second-highest point in the Mount Lebanon range (2,628 m a.s.l.). The valley of Wadi Jhannam is located 13 km north of Qornet es-Sawda, the highest summit of the range (3,088 m a.s.l.).


Hicham El Zein
Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat

Botanical exploration aiming at locating various plant species with geographic coordinates and mapping them.

研究範圍 Entire valleys of Wadi Nahr el-Assi (Metn district) and Wadi Jhannam (Minieh-Danniye district).
品質控管 The collected specimens have been deposited at the Post Herbarium in the American University of Beirut (BEI).


  1. Exploration, locate plant species, describe habitat, record geographic coordinates, take sample from interesting species.
蒐藏名稱 Hicham El Zein collection in Lebanon deposited at Post Herbarium in Beirut
上層採集品識別碼 BEI
標本保存方法 Dried and pressed
  1. El Zein H, Bou Dagher-Kharrat M (2021) New records of vascular plants for the flora of Lebanon: a rare species rediscovered after seventy years, Daphne pontica L. (Thymelaeaceae), and three new occurrences, Atropa bella-donna L. (Solanaceae), Circaea lutetiana L. (Onagraceae), and Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill. (Celastraceae). Check List 17