Последняя версия опубликована Biodiversity Data Journal 20 июня 2024 г. Biodiversity Data Journal

The "Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia" houses 231 vascular plant species, of which 90% are angiosperms, 10% ferns and lycophytes, and 27% endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Ten species are threatened with extinction, three are categorized as Endangered, and seven as Vulnerable. Although there have been expeditions in the "Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia", they have been limited, resulting in a low number of records and the species richness for a protected area. This is notable considering the 2,130 Brazilian native vascular plant species recorded in the semideciduous seasonal forest of Rio de Janeiro. Our data indicates that floristic inventories of Brazilian protected areas could help highlight gaps in flora knowledge and support the proposal of effective conservation actions.

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Ключевые слова

Protected Areas; Semideciduous Seasonal Forest; Conservation; Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil; Protected Areas; Semideciduous Seasonal Forest; Conservation; Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil


Кто является создателем ресурса:

Marcio Verdi
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro

Кто может ответить на вопросы о ресурсе:

Marcio Verdi
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro

Кем заполнены метаданные:

Кто еще связан с данным ресурсом:

Marcio Verdi
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Географический охват

Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [-90, -180], Север Восток [90, -180]
Таксономический охват

Описание отсутсвует

Данные проекта

Описание отсутсвует

Название A comprehensive floristic knowledge of a fragment of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest [Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia], Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Исполнители проекта:

Методы сбора

The list of all vascular plant specimens from the PESC was obtained through four searches in four online national databases: JABOT RB and JABOT Geral, Herbário Virtual REFLORA, and speciesLink. An initial search was conducted using the filters "Concórdia" and "Santa Mariana" for "locality", which returned 234 unique records. Due to the limited number of initial records, the municipalities names ("Barra do Piraí" and "Valença") were included in the filters used. The following filters for location were applied: (1) "Barra do Piraí", (2) "Valença", (3) "Concórdia", and (4) "Santa Mariana". These searches resulted in a total of 13,672 records (JABOT RB = 1,291; JABOT Geral = 2,416; REFLORA = 3,348; and SpeciesLink = 6,617. The specimens identified to species were separated by manually, resulting in: JABOT RB = 998 (undetermined = 293), JABOT Geral = 1,925 (undetermined = 491), REFLORA = 2,790 (undetermined = 558), and speciesLink = 5,565 (undetermined = 1,052). Records with a locality outside the PESC area and another specific locality within (e.g. "Fazenda Santa Mônica", "Parque Natural Municipal do Açude da Concórdia", "Curral de Santa Mariana", "Cachoeira do Bonsucesso", and "Santuário de Vida Silvestre da Serra da Concórdia") were then removed from the list. After this process, the duplicates were removed, resulting in 339 records, which were filtered to retain one record for each species, prioritizing those with images in the databases. The raw data was subdivided into Microsoft Excel sheets, with determined (one record by name species), and undetermined records.

Охват исследования The PESC covers the municipalities of Barra do Piraí and Valença, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Coordinates: 22°23'59"S and 22°17'22"S Latitude; 43°40'30"W and 43°53'07"W Longitude.
Контроль качества A preliminary list of 339 specimens was checked and validated by 24 taxonomists, using images available in herbaria and their online databases.

Описание этапа методики:

  1. The dataset initially contained 13,672 records downloaded from Jabot, SpeciesLink, and Reflora. These records underwent a series of filtering steps: first, records determined at the species level were selected, reducing the number to 11,278. Next, records collected within the Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia (PESC) were identified, narrowing the count to 1,710. After removing duplicates, 339 records remained. These were then sent for taxonomist review, resulting in 235 records. Finally, after taxonomists revised the species, 231 species were confirmed for inclusion.
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