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Checklist; Inventoryregional
South Korea
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [32.99, 124.541], 緯度北界 經度東界 [38.531, 130.1] |
In order to start the OECMs (Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures) recommended by IUCN, the Korea National Arboretum Forest Genetic Resources Protected Area team includes a plant distribution resource survey as a target designated as a wind hole that has been studied as suitable for OECMs.
計畫名稱 | The research of biodiversity conservation and management for forest genetic resources protected area of Korea |
辨識碼 | Jong Bin An |
經費來源 | Korea Forest Service |
研究區域描述 | The wind cave has a steep slope, and old bedrock such as the Cretaceous layer of the Mesozoic Era is exposed behind it, and it is widely developed at the end of the mountain foot, which is the point where the mountain and the flat land meet. Also, wind holes appear mainly in northwest and northern slopes in terms of direction, where insolation is low and there is little variation in temperature. In particular, it develops in scree, rock formations, and rock formations created by the deposition of debris on slopes through the topographical development process in the glacier environment during the Pleistocene glacial period. In addition, wind holes are wind holes, rock crevices, or natural caves where cold air comes out or ice freezes in summer and warm wind blows in winter. The phenomenon appears locally. |
研究設計描述 | A wind hole is an island refuge where northern plants, polar and alpine plants, etc., which moved south to avoid the cold of the north during the last glacial epoch, are adapted to and isolated from the cold and dry local climatic environment of the wind hole during the process of vegetation transition and migration during the interglacial period. (insular refugia). Many northern plants, which are vulnerable to climate warming, grow naturally in these wind holes, and in particular, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, which is found mainly in the subalpine zone in South Korea, grows in wind holes with relatively low altitudes on the vertical distribution of plants in the Korean Peninsula. |
Over several years, we collected plants that could be sampled by season.
研究範圍 | Plant distribution characteristics can be identified according to the type and region of air hole. |
- Increased the taxonomic scope to listen to taxon experts.