Invasive fish species in Romanian freshwater
Dernière version Publié par NeoBiota le 17 juillet 2024 NeoBiota

Drăgan O, Rozylowicz L, Ureche D, Falka I, Cogălniceanu D (2024) Invasive fish species in Romanian freshwater. A review of over 100 years of occurrence reports. NeoBiota 94: 15-30.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Drăgan O, Rozylowicz L, Ureche D, Falka I, Cogălniceanu D (2024) Invasive fish species in Romanian freshwater. A review of over 100 years of occurrence reports. NeoBiota 94: 15-30.


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Occurrence; Observation


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Ovidiu Drăgan
Ovidius University Constanta
Laurentiu Rozylowicz
Senior researcher
University of Bucharest
Dorel Ureche
Associate professor
Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau
Istvan Falka
S.C. Limnades S.R.L.
Dan Cogălniceanu
Ovidius University Constanta

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Laurentiu Rozylowicz
Senior researcher
University of Bucharest

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Laurentiu Rozylowicz
Senior researcher
University of Bucharest
Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [43,644, 20,171], Nord Est [48,327, 29,817]
Couverture taxonomique

Fish species (invasive)

Species  Ameiurus melas,  Ameiurus nebulosus,  Carassius gibelio,  Ctenopharyngodon idella,  Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,  Hypophthalmichthys nobilis,  Lepomis gibbosus,  Oncorhynchus mykiss,  Perccottus glenii,  Pseudorasbora parva,  Salvelinus fontinalis
Couverture temporelle
Epoque de formation 1910-2022
Données sur le projet

Partnership: Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests; University of Bucharest The overall objective is to create scientific and administrative tools to efficiently manage invasive alien species in Romania, according to REGULATION (EU) 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species

Titre Appropriate management of invasive species in Romania according to EU Regulation 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species
Identifiant POIM 2014+ 120008
Financement Regional Development Fund – The Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POIM)
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Romania

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Laurentiu Rozylowicz
Méthodes d'échantillonnage

We collected occurrence data from various sources published between 1920 and 2022, namely, scientific and grey literature, social media, public databases, online questionnaires, and our field data, most of which was collected during 2019-2022 in the frame of a national survey project (Ministry of Environment and University of Bucharest 2023). Data from the literature were extracted from peer-reviewed articles, conference articles, books, grey literature, doctoral theses, and technical reports concerning the occurrence and distribution of alien fish in Romania. We performed a comprehensive search of literature mentioning alien fish in Romania based mostly on informal searches of papers collected over the years and contacts with experts in the field. In addition, we searched Google Scholar and Web of Science All Databases collection, using a combination of keywords: alien fish, allochthonous fish, invasive fish, dispersal, distribution, new fish, nonnative fish, non-native fish, AND Danube, Danube Delta, Balkans, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine. We used the names of neighbouring countries as keywords because of the presence of shared rivers, such as The Danube River, which is shared with Bulgaria and Serbia. The reference lists of the publications identified this way were further screened for other potentially relevant articles not covered by the search engines used. Data on alien fish occurrences were also downloaded from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), a validated public online database ( Additionally, we collected data from social networking platforms such as Facebook, where anglers and other fish-related peers submitted reports regarding these species, and an online survey sent to researchers from different Romanian institutions. Occurrence records are structured in a database that contains the following attributes: ID, Species, Source, Year of recording, Latitude, Longitude, Toponym, and Habitat. The occurrence database is limited to invasive alien fish species in Romania since the majority of the remaining alien fish species have very few occurrence records.

Etendue de l'étude Romania
Contrôle qualité Expert opinion was used to assess data quality and its further use in our study. We only validated Facebook records that had associated photos.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Distribution data analysis involved the process of standardising and geo-referencing the occurrence reports of invasive alien fish species to enable spatial representation. We plotted the occurrence records using a 10 ⨯ 10 km grid. We overlaid the 11 river management areas according to the Romanian Waters Authority (i.e., Crisuri, Somes-Tisa, Siret, Prut, Dobrogea-Litoral, Ialomita-Buzau, Arges-Vedea, Olt, Jiu, Banat, Mures) onto the grid map of Romania to conduct the analysis at the catchment level.
Citations bibliographiques
  1. Drăgan O, Rozylowicz L, Ureche D, Falka I, Cogălniceanu D (2024) Invasive fish species in Romanian freshwater. A review of over 100 years of occurrence reports. NeoBiota 94: 15-30.
Métadonnées additionnelles