An Upgrade Pinning Block: A Mechanical Practical Aid for Fast Labelling of the Insect Specimens
Versión 1.1 Publicado por Biodiversity Data Journal en 13 de enero de 2021 Biodiversity Data Journal

A new mechanical innovation is described to deal with standard labelling of dried specimens on triangular cards and/or pinned specimens in personal and public collections. It works quickly, precisely, and easily and is very useful for maintaining label uniformity in collections. The tools accurately sets the position of labels in the shortest possible time. This tools has advantages including rapid processing, cost effectiveness, light weight, and high accuracy, compared to conventional methods. It is fully customisable, compact, and does not require specialist equipment to assemble. Conventional methods generally require locating holes on the pinning block surface when labelling with a resulting risk to damage of the specimens. Insects of different orders can be labelled by this simple and effective tool.

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Ghafouri Moghaddam M (2021): An Upgrade Pinning Block: A Mechanical Practical Aid for Fast Labelling of the Insect Specimens. v1.1. Biodiversity Data Journal. Dataset/Other.


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Registro GBIF

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Palabras Clave

Mechanical pinning block (MPB); Entomology; Collections; Museums.


¿Quién creó el recurso?:

Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam
Ph.D. Senior
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol
3Km Zabol-Bonjar Road
98615–538 Zabol
Sistan and Baluchestan

¿Quién puede resolver dudas acerca del recurso?:

Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam
Ph.D. Senior
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol
3Km Zabol-Bonjar Road
98615–538 Zabol
Sistan and Baluchestan

¿Quién documentó los metadatos?:

Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam
Ph.D. Senior
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol
3Km Zabol-Bonjar Road
98615–538 Zabol
Sistan and Baluchestan

¿Quién más está asociado con el recurso?:

Cobertura Geográfica


Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [24,367, 42,891], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [40,112, 67,324]
Datos del Proyecto

No hay descripción disponible

Título Initial animation tools, Initial design and measurements, Interactive model and Video demonstration
Identificador Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam
Descripción del Diseño Before initial design by the AutoCAD program we created an initial animation using the 3D Max program for our the better understand and draw in order to operate the project, in other words visualizing initial plan. This supplementary files is containing two files. We for to make this tools first designed an initial plan in AutoCAD program. Then each of the designed segment was put together on one page. Finally, the final file using the computer personal transferred to the CNC machine that to perform the cutting operation on the Plexiglas. To view details of the tools from different angles and to handle screen transitions and image swapping that an animation file was embedded in the Adobe Acrobat program. This video shows how to work with the tools. Also, how to labeling, pinning and detail the tools is well illustrated.

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