Moths of Delhi, India
Versão 1.3 publicado por Biodiversity Data Journal em 16 de Julho de 2021 Biodiversity Data Journal

We present a comprehensive checklist of 331 moths species using 8 years of light trapping data (2012-2020) and examining about 2000 specimens from historical collections at the National Pusa Collection of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (NPC-IARI) spanning over 100 years (1907-2020)

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Komal J, Shashank PR, Sanjay Sondhi, Sohail Madan, Yash Sondhi, Naresh M Meshram, Anooj SS (2021): Moths of Delhi, India. v1.3. Biodiversity Data Journal. Dataset/Checklist.


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Checklist; Delhi; moths; Lepidoptera; IARI; Inventoryregional


Quem criou esse recurso:

Shashank Pathour
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi

Quem pode responder a perguntas sobre o recurso:

Shashank Pathour
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus
110012 New Delhi

Quem preencher os metadados:

Shashank Pathour
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi
Yash Sondhi
PhD student
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St
33199 Miami
J Komal
Masters Student
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus
110012 New Delhi
Sanjay Sondhi
Independent Researcher
Titli Trust,, 49 Rajpur Road Enclave, Dhoran Khas, near IT Park, P.O. Gujrada,
Sohail Madan
Conservation Education Centre - ABWLS
Delhi Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, Near Karni Singh Shooting Range
110012 New Delhi
Naresh Meshram
Senior Scientist
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus
110012 New Delhi
S S Anooj
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus
110012 New Delhi

Quem mais foi associado com o recurso:

Shashank Pathour
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa campus
New Delhi
Yash Sondhi
PhD student
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St
J Komal
Masters Student
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus
Sanjay Sondhi
Independent Researcher
Titli Trust,, 49 Rajpur Road Enclave, Dhoran Khas, near IT Park, P.O. Gujrada,
Sohail Madan
Conservation Education Centre - ABWLS
Delhi Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, Near Karni Singh Shooting Range
Naresh Meshram
Senior Scientist
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
SS Anooj
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi
Cobertura Geográfica

There have been several recent checklists, books, and publications about Indian moths, however much of this work has focused on biodiversity hotspots such North East India, Western Ghats, and Western Himalayas. There is a lack of published literature on urban centres in India, despite the increased need to monitor insects at sites with high levels of human disturbance.  In this study, we examine the moths of Delhi, the national capital region of India, one of the fastest growing mega metropolitan cities. We present a comprehensive checklist of 331 moths species using 8 years of light trapping data (2012-2020) and examining about 2000 specimens from historical collections at the National Pusa Collection of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (NPC-IARI) spanning over 100 years (1907-2020). The checklist comprises moths from 32 families spanning 14 superfamilies with Noctuidea (49.5%) and Pyraloidea (18.4%) being the two most dominant superfamilies. We provide links to images of live individuals and pinned specimens for all of moths, and provide detailed distribution records and provide an updated taxonomic treatment.

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [-90, -180], Norte Leste [90, 180]
Cobertura Temporal
Data Inicial / Data final 2012-01-01 / 2020-01-01
Data Inicial / Data final 1907-01-01 / 2020-01-01
Dados Sobre o Projeto

Nenhuma descrição disponível

Título Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Delhi, India: An illustrated checklist based on museum specimens and surveys
Financiamento This study was funded under DST-SERB Core Research Grant (No. CRG/2018/000753).
Descrição da Área de Estudo Delhi

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Provedor dos Metadados
Shashank Pathour
J Komal
Sanjay Sondh
Sohail Madan
Naresh Meshram
Anooj S S
Métodos de Amostragem

Field surveys were conducted from 2012 to 2020 by setting up light traps.This accounted for a total of 73 survey nights. The light traps were set after sunset during the evening hours generally for 5 hours from 6 to 11 PM using a Mercury vapor bulb of 160W. Most of the times electrical mains were available for surveys but a portable diesel-based generator was used to set the light traps at the locations without the source of electricity. All the moths were photographed in field using a Cannon 70D with a 100mm macro lens.

Área de Estudo Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR- IARI), Pusa (28.04° N, 77.12° E), Rashtrapathi Bhawan (28.61° N, 77.19° E) and Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary (28.4762º N, 77.23º E).

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. Biodiversity of moths of the region was studied by an exhaustive exploration of the museum holdings of the National Pusa Collection, Department of Entomology at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi (NPC-IARI) which is one of the largest insect repositories in Asia for agricultural pests since 1900s. The specimens of moths belonging to Delhi were sorted separately for the present study. A database has been created from individual specimens based on label data including the name of the collector, date of collection, method of collection, associated host plants and sex.
  2. Identification and reconfirmation of all the specimens was done and were updated to their current taxonomic positions. All the representative species were photographed with a Cannon 70D with a 100mm macro lens. The micromoths were photographed with a digitalized camera Leica DFC 425C on the Leica 19205FA Stereozoom Automountage microscope.
  3. Museum collection data and surveys, additionally, data from citizen science internet portals like the Moths of India (; Sondhi et al. 2021), iNaturalist (https:// and India Biodiversity (http:// indiabiodiversity. org/) were also used to prepare the checklist.
Dados de Coleção
Nome da Coleção National Pusa Collection, Department of Entomology at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi (NPC-IARI)
Identificador da Coleção
Identificador da Coleção Parental
Métodos de preservação do espécime Montado com alfinetes
Metadados Adicionais