Checklist of vascular plants of the Ñeembucú Department, Paraguay

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The Department of Ñeembucú is one of the least well-documented areas of eastern Paraguay, and the flora is composed of a mixture of forest and Chaco elements. Regions like Ñeembucú are often considered of lower diversity and interest that more forested regions; this results from both actual species richness figures and from under-collecting due to perception as uninteresting. We present here a checklist of the vascular plants of Ñeembucú, which includes 676 taxa (including infraspecific taxa and collections identified only to genus) in 100 families and 374 genera. Four hundred and thirty nine (439) of these are new records for Ñeembucú and of these, 4 are new published records for Paraguay. Synonyms, distribution details within Paraguay and a voucher specimen or literature record are provided for each taxon, and a brief analysis of the diversity and importance of the flora is presented.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

de Egea, J., Peña-Chocarro, M., Espada, C., Knapp, S., Checklist of vascular plants of the Department of Ñeembucú, Paraguay

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wetlands; Ñeembucú; humid Chaco; new records; checklist; synonymy


Sandra Knapp
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
The Natural History Museum
  • Cromwell Road
SW7 5BD London
  • +44 207 942 5171
David Remsen
  • Metadata Provider
  • Senior Programme Officer
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
  • Universitetsparken 15
2100 Copenhagen
  • +45 2875 1472
Juana De Egea
  • Author
Wildlife Conservation Society Paraguay
  • Capitán Benitez Vera 610
Maria Peña-Chocarro
  • Author
Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum
  • Cromwell Road
SW7 5BD London
Cristina Espada1
  • Author
Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum
  • Cromwell Road
SW7 5BD London

Geographic Coverage

The department of Ñeembucú is located in the south-western corner of the Oriental region of Paraguay, between 57°35' - 57°55' W latitude and 25°50' - 27°19' S longitude, and covers an approximate area of 12,147 square kilometres.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-27.3, -57.74], North East [-25.94, -57.11]

Temporal Coverage

Start Date 2011-09-01

Sampling Methods

Flowering plant family circumscription follows APG III (Chase et al. 2009) and the pteridophyte classification follows Smith et al. (2006) as modified by Christenhusz et al. (2011). Families are sorted alphabetically and genera are sorted alphabetically within families. For each taxon found in the Department, we present the accepted name, synonyms, habit, introduced status (all species are native except where indicated), general distribution in Paraguay and one voucher specimen (if available). We use infraspecific names only in the cases where taxa other than or additional to the typical occur. Those taxa cited to the level of genus only may represent new species or new records for the department, but we were unable to identify them to the specific level. Synonymy follows Zuloaga et al. (2008) and TROPICOS ( except for Myrtaceae, where we followed the World Checklist of Myrtaceae (Govaerts et al., 2008) and for Inga (Fabaceae) where we followed Pennington (1997). For some very common weedy species with extensive worldwide synonymy we have not cited all synonyms; these can be found in Zuloaga et al. (2008) and TROPICOS ( We also cite commonly encountered illegitimate names and names not validly published in the synonymy, with indications as to their status. Herbarium acronyms used in the list follow Index Herbariorum (Holmgren et al. 1990, available on-line at New reports of taxa for the department of Ñeembucú are marked with an arrowhead (►), those taxa not cited in Zuloaga et al. (2008) or the on-line updated version of the Southern Cone checklist (Flora del Conosur 2009) for Ñeembucú but recorded in other publications or databases (the URL or bibliographic reference of each source given with the voucher specimen cited) are marked with an asterisk (*) and those that have not been cited previously as occurring in Paraguay are indicated with a circle (●).

Study Extent Paraguay is a land-locked country between 19º and 28º south latitude and 54º and 63º west longitude at the heart of the South American continent, and lies entirely within the Río de la Plata drainage system, second only in size to the Amazon basin. The country is divided by the Río Paraguay into the Oriental, or eastern, region, also known as the Paraná region; and the Occidental, or western, region, also known as the Chaco, part of the Gran Chaco Americano that is shared by Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. Paraguay is divided into 17 departments, 14 of which are to the east of the Río Paraguay. The department of Ñeembucú is the southernmost tip of Paraguay and is located in the south-western corner of the Oriental region, between 57°35' - 57°55' W latitude and 25°50' - 27°19' S longitude (Fig. 1). Ñeembucú covers an approximate area of 12,147 square kilometres (SINASIP 2009). The average annual temperature is between 22° and 23°C, and average annual rainfall is around 1500 mm (Acevedo et al., 1990). Most of this area is made up of a plain comprised of alluvial sediments from the Quaternary period, with hydromorphic soils formed from the transport of sediment by rivers and streams, and dominated by shallow hydromorphic and alluvial gley types, planosols or gley humic acids with high organic matter content (Tortorelli 1966). Ñeembucú is partially surrounded by both the Paraguay and Parana rivers and has a number of extensive wetlands, the largest of these being the Ñeembucú and the Cambá marshes. The area is low elevation and relatively flat; altitudinal range is between 50 and 124 metres above sea level. As a result of these particular topographic and hydrographic features, Ñeembucú is usually described as one extensive floodplain; over 85% of this area is wetlands (Fogel 2000), where water is the primary factor that regulates seasonal variation and biological and ecological characteristics of the vegetation composition. The wetlands of Ñeembucú are the largest in the Oriental region and are very rich in terms of alpha and beta diversity, particularly when it comes to species of flora and fauna closely linked to water (Vogt and Mereles 2005).
Quality Control The resultant checklist data was proofed by the author both in manuscript form and in the transformed dataset.

Method step description:

  1. In assembling the checklist we revised and re-determined all historical and recent collections from Ñeembucú held in the Natural History Museum (BM) and the Facultad de Ciencias Químicas of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (FCQ). We also reviewed the recent monographic literature for collection records from Ñeembucú, and where we have not seen a specimen of a taxon cited in these sources we include the relevant literature citation, including the page. We also include identified specimens from Ñeembucú cited in TROPICOS ( and in the database of the Botanical Garden of Geneva ( For those records for which we have examined a specimen we only cite a single voucher, other specimens seen and additional literature citations are not included here.

Bibliographic Citations

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