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Acanthocephalans were collected from freshwater and marine fish in this region.
Ограничивающие координаты |
Юг Запад [49, -13,5], Север Восток [70,5, 37,07] |
Описание отсутсвует
Species |
Acanthocephalus lucii,
Echinorhynchus bothniensis,
Echinorhynchus 'bothniensis',
Echinorhynchus brayi,
Echinorhynchus cinctulus,
Echinorhynchus gadi sp. I,
Echinorhynchus gadi sp. III,
Echinorhynchus salmonis,
Echinorhynchus truttae
Дата начала / Дата окончания |
1994-08-31 / 1994-09-02 |
Описание отсутсвует
Название |
The systematics of Echinorhynchus Zoega in Müller, 1776 (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) elucidated by nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data from eight European taxa |
Финансирование |
Natural Environment Research Council CASE studentship |
Описание района исследования |
Fresh and marine waters of northern Europe. |
Описание плана выполнения исследований |
In order to gain insight into the zoogeography of Echinorhynchus, samples were selected to include taxa from a range of aquatic environments, including: both lotic and lentic freshwaters, coastal marine waters and the deep-sea. |
Исполнители проекта:
All acanthocephalans were washed in saline and then fixed in 90-100% alcohol immediately after collection, or alternatively frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80ºC.
Охват исследования |
Fresh and marine waters of northern Europe. |
Описание этапа методики:
Individual taxa of the E. gadi and E. bothniensis complexes were identified using allozyme electophoresis.
Название коллекции |
Natural History Museum, London |
Идентификатор коллекции |
http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/scientific-resources/collections/zoological-collections/zoology-specimen-database |
Идентификатор родительской коллекции |
Not applicable |
Методы сохранения образцов |
Единицы хранения |
Кол-во 9
+/- 3
Acanthocephalus lucii BM(NH) 2002.2.4.284-292
Кол-во 21
+/- 3
Echinorhynchus bothniensis BM(NH) 2002.2.4.102-122
Кол-во 1
+/- 0
E. brayi (holotype) BM(NH) 1997.12.8.3
Кол-во 25
+/- 3
E. brayi BM(NH) 1997.12.8.4-28
Кол-во 9
+/- 3
E. cinctulus BM(NH) 2002.2.4.123-131
Кол-во 12
+/- 3
E. gadi sp. I BM(NH) 2002.2.4.90-101
Кол-во 95
+/- 5
E. salmonis BM(NH) 2002.2.4.131-226
Кол-во 12
+/- 3
E. truttae BM(NH) 2002.2.4.264-275