Sampling event


Последняя версия опубликована Check List 1 октября 2024 г. Check List
This data presents the first record of Crocidura umbra (Demos, Achmadi, Handika, Maharadatunkamsi, Rowe & Esselstyn, 2016) from Mount Papandayan, previously thought to be endemic to Mount Gede. Additionally, it extends the known range of Crocidura orientalis (Jentink, 1890) to Mount Papandayan and Crocidura monticola (Peters, 1870) to Mount Sawal. We also rediscovered Crocidura brunnea (Jentink, 1888) in the Javan lowland forest, with the last record dating back to 1937.
Дата публикации:
1 октября 2024 г.
Техническое обеспечение:
Check List
CC-BY 4.0

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  • Event (core)
  • Occurrence 

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Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 9a963405-7503-4f23-ad96-26a75a792243.  Check List отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке Participant Node Managers Committee.

Ключевые слова

Samplingevent; Occurrences; Forest‑Dependent Taxon; Insectivore; Leuweung Sancang; Microendemism; Mount Papandayan; Mount Sawal; White-Toothed Shrew; West Java; Shrew; Crocidura; Eulipotyphla


Кто является создателем ресурса:

Maha Yudha Samawi
Aditya Dimas Pramudya
Ganjar Cahyadi
Jefta Natanael
Anton Nofianto
Ade Samsuli
Ihsan Jaya
Iman Suryana
Amadeus Devin Gouw
Arni Sholihah

Кто может ответить на вопросы о ресурсе:

Maha Yudha Samawi

Кем заполнены метаданные:

Maha Yudha Samawi

Кто еще связан с данным ресурсом:

Maha Yudha Samawi

Географический охват

This data covers the eastern part of West Java, which was previously unsurveyed. We conducted surveys on Mount Sawal and Mount Papandayan as separate mountains, as well as Leuweung Sancang, which consists of lowland forests.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [-8,4, 106,06], Север Восток [-5,32, 109,14]

Таксономический охват

The taxonomic coverage of this dataset includes four species of white-toothed shrews (Crocidura) from the family Soricidae: Crocidura umbra Demos, Achmadi, Handika, Maharadatunkamsi, Rowe & Esselstyn, 2016; Crocidura monticola Peters, 1870; Crocidura orientalis Jentink, 1890; and Crocidura brunnea Jentink, 1888. This dataset provides valuable insights into the diversity of Crocidura species in Java.

Genus  Crocidura (white-toothed shrew)

Данные проекта

Crocidura Wagler, 1832 is a widespread genus with high micro‑endemism. Unfortunately, its Javan species lacks adequate information on its geographic distribution. Here, we present the first record of Crocidura umbra Demos, Achmadi, Handika, Maharadatunkamsi, Rowe & Esselstyn, 2016 from Mount Papandayan, which was previously thought to be endemic to Mount Gede, expand the geographic range of Crocidura orientalis Jentink, 1890 on Mount Papandayan and Crocidura monticola Peters, 1870 on Mount Sawal, and rediscover Crocidura brunnea Jentink, 1888 in Javan lowland forest. The new data provide important information to better understand this inadequately studied genus of small mammal on Java.

Название Rediscovery and range extension of Crocidura spp. (Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) in West Java, Indonesia
Финансирование This study was financially supported by the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (partially funded).
Описание района исследования This data covers the eastern part of West Java, which was previously unsurveyed. We conducted surveys on Mount Sawal and Mount Papandayan as separate mountains, as well as Leuweung Sancang, which consists of lowland forests.
Описание плана выполнения исследований The three sites have different elevations: Mount Papandayan (ca. 2,200 m a.s.l.), Mount Sawal (ca. 1,000 m a.s.l.), and Leuweung Sancang (ca. 10 m a.s.l.). For each location, four days (three nights) of data collection were conducted with a combination of 55 traps that consist of 10 L bucket pitfall traps with drift fence, Victor traps, and Sherman traps. We used a mixture of peanut butter and “terasi”, a traditional shrimp paste, as bait.

Исполнители проекта:

Maha Yudha Samawi
Aditya Dimas Pramudya
Ganjar Cahyadi
Jefta Natanael
Anton Nofianto
Ade Samsuli
Ihsan Jaya
Iman Suryana
Hazel Fahrezi
Amadeus Devin Gouw
Arni Sholihah

Методы сбора

For each location, four days (three nights) of data collection were conducted with a combination of 55 traps that consist of 10 L bucket pitfall traps with drift fence, Victor traps, and Sherman traps. We used a mixture of peanut butter and “terasi”, a traditional shrimp paste, as bait.

Охват исследования This data covers the eastern part of West Java, which was previously unsurveyed. We conducted surveys on Mount Sawal and Mount Papandayan as separate mountains, as well as Leuweung Sancang, which consists of lowland forests. All sites belong to secondary and/or primary forest, with additional riparian areas for Gunung Sawal and Leuweung Sancang. The three sites have different elevations: Mount Papandayan (ca. 2,200 m a.s.l.), Mount Sawal (ca. 1,000 m a.s.l.), and Leuweung Sancang (ca. 10 m a.s.l.).

Описание этапа методики:

  1. n/a

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