
Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis and Thymus sipyleus in Mount Lebanon

Latest version published by Check List on 31 August 2021 Check List
Investigations carried out during 2019 on the vascular flora of Jabal Akroum, the northernmost part of the Mount Lebanon range near the Syrian border, yielded two new records of Lamiaceae species for the flora of Lebanon: Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis (Post) Hub.-Mor. and Thymus sipyleus Boiss. We present findings on the distribution and ecology of these species as well as their conservation status at the national level in accordance with International Union for the Conservation of Nature guidelines. We also report on the natural habitats of Jabal Akroum. Citation of the published article on Check List: El Zein H, Pouzoulet A (2021) New occurrences for the flora of Lebanon: Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis (Post) Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae) and Thymus sipyleus Boiss. (Lamiaceae) and... More
Publication date:
31 August 2021
Hosted by:
Check List
CC-BY-NC 4.0


Investigations carried out during 2019 on the vascular flora of Jabal Akroum, the northernmost part of the Mount Lebanon range near the Syrian border, yielded two new records of Lamiaceae species for the flora of Lebanon: Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis (Post) Hub.-Mor. and Thymus sipyleus Boiss. We present findings on the distribution and ecology of these species as well as their conservation status at the national level in accordance with International Union for the Conservation of Nature guidelines. We also report on the natural habitats of Jabal Akroum. Citation of the published article on Check List: El Zein H, Pouzoulet A (2021) New occurrences for the flora of Lebanon: Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis (Post) Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae) and Thymus sipyleus Boiss. (Lamiaceae) and consideration on their distribution, natural habitats, and conservation status. Check List 17 (1): 000–000. https://doi.org/10.15560/17.1.000

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

El Zein H (2021): Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis and Thymus sipyleus in Mount Lebanon. v1.3. Check List. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.pensoft.net/resource?r=sideritis_syriaca_and_thymus_sipyleus_in_lebanon&v=1.3


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Check List. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 2b7a9822-f352-4b54-a67c-b6d3bda6d0e0.  Check List publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.


Akkar; endemism; Lamiaceae; Red List; Eastern Mediterranean; Observation


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Geographic Coverage

Jabal Akroum constitutes the northernmost mountain of the Mount Lebanon range

Bounding Coordinates South West [34.5, 36.25], North East [34.67, 36.44]

Taxonomic Coverage

Two plant species of the family Lamiaceae.

Species  Thymus sipyleus Boiss. (Mount Sipylus thyme)
Subspecies  Sideritis syriaca subsp. nusairiensis (Post) Hub.-Mor. (Syrian ironwort)

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2019-11-01 / 2020-09-01

Project Data

Botanical exploration of Jabal Aroum.

Title Exploration of Jabal Akroum (Akkar)
Identifier helz_akroum_
Funding None
Study Area Description Jabal Akroum constitutes the northernmost mountain of the Mount Lebanon range.

The personnel involved in the project:

Hicham El Zein

Sampling Methods

Botanical exploration aiming at locating various plant species with geographic coordinates and mapping them.

Study Extent Entire site of Jabal Akroum

Method step description:

  1. Exploration, locate plant species, describe habitat, record geographic coordinates, take sample from interesting species.

Collection Data

Collection Name Hicham El Zein collection in Lebanon deposited at Post Herbarium in Beirut
Collection Identifier BEI-HELB
Parent Collection Identifier BEI
Specimen preservation methods Dried and pressed

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers 2b7a9822-f352-4b54-a67c-b6d3bda6d0e0