Amphibians (Amphibia, Anura and Caudata) and reptiles (Reptilia, Squamata) from the headwaters of Río Guázaro on the Caribbean versant of Veraguas province, western Panama
Version 1.391 Publié par Check List le 6 décembre 2022 Check List

Detailed checklist from Lotzkat S, Wehrenberg G, Haas M, Köhler G (2021) Amphibians (Amphibia, Anura and Caudata) and reptiles (Reptilia, Squamata) from the headwaters of Río Guázaro on the Caribbean versant of Veraguas province, western Panama. Check List 17(6): 1541-1556.

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Lotzkat S, Wehrenberg G, Haas M (2022): Amphibians (Amphibia, Anura and Caudata) and reptiles (Reptilia, Squamata) from the headwaters of Río Guázaro on the Caribbean versant of Veraguas province, western Panama. v1.391. Check List. Dataset/Occurrence.


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Occurrence; Biodiversity; Cocuyos de Veraguas; Cordillera Central; frogs; inventory; lizards; salamanders; snakes; Anura; Reptilia; Squamata; Panama; Veraguas; Amphibia; Lissamphibia; Central America; Checklist


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Sebastian Lotzkat
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
Gerrit Wehrenberg
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Marcel Haas
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Sebastian Lotzkat
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
Gerrit Wehrenberg
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Marcel Haas
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Sebastian Lotzkat
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
Gerrit Wehrenberg
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Marcel Haas
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Couverture géographique

headwaters of Río Guázaro on the Caribbean versant of northern Veraguas province, western Panama

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [8,391, -81,282], Nord Est [8,904, -80,659]
Couverture taxonomique

herpetological checklist

Class  Reptilia (Reptiles),  Amphibia (amphibians),  Lissamphibia (Amphibia)
Order  Squamata (squamates),  Anura (frogs),  Urodela (salamanders),  Gymnophiona
Suborder  Serpentes (snakes)
Family  Bufonidae (toads),  Centrolenidae (glass frogs),  Craugastoridae (fleshbelly frogs),  Eleutherodactylidae (rain frogs),  Hylidae (tree frogs),  Ranidae (true frogs),  Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders),  Corytophanidae (casquehead lizards),  Dactyloidae (anoles),  Gymnophtalmidae (spectacled lizards),  Dipsadidae,  Elapidae (elapids),  Viperidae (vipers)
Genus  Atelopus (harlequin toads),  Rhaebo (cope toads),  Hyalinobatrachium (neotropical glass frogs),  Sachatamia,  Teratohyla,  Craugastor,  Pristimantis (robber frogs),  Diasporus (dink frogs),  Agalychnis,  Lithobates,  Bolitoglossa (mushroom-tongued salamanders),  Basiliscus (basilisks),  Norops,  Anolis,  Echinosaura (spined tegus),  Imantodes (blunt-headed vine snakes),  Sibon,  Micrurus (coral snakes),  Bothrops,  Porthidium (hognose pitvipers)
Species  Atelopus varius (variable harlequin toad),  Rhaebo haematiticus (truando toad),  Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni (Fleischmann's glass frog),  Sachatamia albomaculata,  Teratohyla pulverata (powdered glass frog),  Teratohyla spinosa (spiny Cochran frog),  Craugastor crassidigitus (Isla Bonita robber frog),  Pristimantis cruentus (Chiriqui robber frog),  Diasporus quidditus,  Agalychnis lemur (lemur leaf frog),  Lithobates warszewitschii (Warszewitsch's frog),  Bolitoglossa schizodactyla (Cocle salamander),  Basiliscus plumifrons (plumed basilisk),  Norops capito (bighead anole),  Norops humilis (humble anole),  Norops limifrons (slender anole),  Norops lionotus (lion anole),  Echinosaura panamensis (Panama teiid),  Imantodes cenchoa (fiddle-string snake),  Sibon argus (Argus snail sucker),  Micrurus stewarti (Panamenian coral snake),  Bothrops asper (Terciopelo),  Porthidium nasutum (rainforest hognosed pitviper)
Unranked  Caudata (salamanders),  Sauria
Couverture temporelle
Date de début / Date de fin 2016-07-16 / 2016-07-20
Données sur le projet

We present a list of amphibian and reptile species encountered from 16–20 July 2016 in the upper drainage of Río Guázaro, Parque Nacional Santa Fé, Veraguas, Panama. We collected 10 amphibian and 10 reptile species and observed three additional amphibian and one additional reptile species. Our collected material provides the first records from Veraguas province for the amphibians Bolitoglossa schizodactyla Wake & Brame, 1966 and Diasporus aff. quidditus (Lynch, 2001), as well as for the reptiles Basiliscus plumifrons Cope, 1876, Micrurus stewarti Barbour & Amaral, 1928, and Sibon argus (Cope, 1876). Although relatively small in species and specimen numbers, our collection represents the first documented herpetological inventory on the largely unexplored Caribbean versant of Veraguas in 50 years.

Titre Amphibians (Amphibia, Anura and Caudata) and reptiles (Reptilia, Squamata) from the headwaters of Río Guázaro on the Caribbean versant of Veraguas province, western Panama
Financement Erika und Walter Datz-Stiftung
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Panama, nothern Veraguas province. Remote Rainforest areas with rivers and streams as well as mountain areas at the continential devide of the Cordillera Central. Heavy rainfalls occured during our survey.
Description du design First herpetological inventroy of nothern Veraguas since 50 years. Third noteworthy herpetological collecting event of Caribbean Northern Veraguas. Herpetological inventroy with observation, catching and preservation of species.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Ross McCulloch
Javier Sunyer
Milan Vesely
Méthodes d'échantillonnage

We searched for reptiles and amphibans during daytime and during the nigth. We caugth the animals by hand or with the aid of a snake hook. After catching the animals were photographed and then euthanized. The animals were euthanized by using a pericardial injection of T61 (Intervet International, Unterschleißheim, Germany). After euthanization we took tissue samples of the animals to get data about their genetic information.

Etendue de l'étude Our Study took place in the Caribbean versant of Northern Veraguas, it started at 08.5482°N, 081.0480°W and expands to 08.6531°N, 081.0337°W around the trail to Cocuyos.
Contrôle qualité We took photos of the animals in live, to ensure the documentation of the colour of the animals which differs when they are preserved. Tissue of the animals was taken by scissors which were sterilized by using the fire of a lighter.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Fieldwork, preservation and documentation of the speciemens follows Lotzkat (2014). relevant literature: Lotzkat S (2014) Diversity, taxonomy, and biogeography of the reptiles inhabiting the highlands of the Cordillera Central (Serranía de Talamanca and Serranía de Tabasará) in western Panama. PhD thesis, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 930 pp.
Données de collection
Nom de la collection Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut Frankfurt (SMF)
Nom de la collection Museo Herpetológico de Chiriquí (MHCH)
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Alcohol
Métadonnées additionnelles
Identifiants alternatifs 679478a3-bb0c-4bb1-81d2-50215704577f