Taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis
最新バージョン PhytoKeys によって公開 2023/08/17 PhytoKeys

Occurrence dataset of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis (Annonaceae, Monodoreae) from Africa. List of herbarium specimens identified and validated for the taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis, as published in "Phylogenomic inference of the African tribe Monodoreae (Annonaceae) and taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis" (Dagallier et al. 2023)

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Occurrence; Specimen



Léo-Paul Dagallier
Post-doctoral Research Associate
New York Botanical Garden


Léo-Paul Dagallier
Post-doctoral Research Associate
New York Botanical Garden
New York
Thomas Couvreur
Research Director
Institut de recherche pour le développement


Leo-Paul Dagallier
Post-doctoral Research Associate
New York Botanical Garden


Leo-Paul Dagallier
Post-doctoral Research Associate
New York Botanical Garden

Tropical Africa

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-36.315, -20.039], 北 東 [37.996, 53.789]

Dennettia, Uvariodendron, Uvariopsis (Annonaceae, Monodoreae)

Tribe  Monodoreae
Genus  Dennettia,  Uvariodendron,  Uvariopsis
開始日 / 終了日 1860-01-01 / 2020-12-31

Monodoreae is a diverse clade of trees and small shrubs from tropical Africa. Recent revisionary work for the two most diverse genera of the tribe, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis, are more than 80 years old (Fries 1930, Robyns and Ghesquière 1933a). Several new species were described since then (Verdcourt 1971a, Gereau and Kenfack 2000, Kenfack et al. 2003, Couvreur and Luke 2010, Dagallier et al. 2021, Couvreur et al. 2022, Gosline et al. 2022) warranting a new taxonomic revision of both genera. The aim of the present study is to generate a robust species-level phylogenomic tree of the Monodoreae and test the limits between the genera and species. Given that the species rich genera Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis have never been fully assessed phylogenetically and taxonomically, we give a particular focus to these two genera and present a taxonomic revision of these two genera. We discuss species delimitation based on both molecular and morphological evidence.

タイトル Taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis (Annonaceae, Monodoreae)
ファンデイング This work was supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (AFRODYN Grant Number: ANR-15-CE02-0002-01) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 865787)
Study Area Description Tropical Arica.


Léo-Paul Dagallier
Thomas Couvreur

Herbarium specimens collected between 1860 and 2020

Study Extent Tropical Africa

Method step description:

  1. We examined specimens of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis. The specimens came from B, BM, DSM, EA, G, K, M, MO, MPU, P, WAG and YA herbaria (herbaria acronyms follow Thiers, 2016). The high quality scans of some additional specimens or sheets from A, BR, BRLU, COI, E, FHO, GOET, HBG, L, LE, MA, MHU, S, US, WU and Z were also examined, as well as pictures taken in the field or personal fieldwork observations. Additional duplicates from herbaria not listed above might appear in the lists of specimens, but these were not seen and are cited for information.