最新バージョン Check List によって公開 2021/08/31 Check List

We set 14 transects along the city, 100 m long each, and used active visual search to find Anolis sagrei (5 m/min.) in Panama City, Panama and are surrounded by high traffic roads and buildings. All the specimens found were georeferenced in WGS 1984 datum

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Abel Batista1, Marcos Ponce, Orlando Garcés, Elliot Lassiter, Madian Miranda. 2019. Silent pirates: Anolis sagrei Duméril & Bibron, 1837 (Squamata, Dactyloidae) taking over Panama City, Panama. Checklist



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このリソースは GBIF に登録されていません。


Occurrence; Alien species; invasive species; new country record; Observation; Alien species; invasive species; new country record



Abel Batista
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Vicerrectoría de investigación y Postgrado – Museo de Historia Natural, Ciudad Universitaria El Cabrero David, Chiriquí, 427, Panamá
427 David
+507 69699742


Abel Batista
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Vicerrectoría de investigación y Postgrado – Museo de Historia Natural, Ciudad Universitaria El Cabrero David, Chiriquí, 427, Panamá.
427 David
+507 69699742


Abel Batista
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Vicerrectoría de investigación y Postgrado – Museo de Historia Natural, Ciudad Universitaria El Cabrero David, Chiriquí, 427, Panamá.
427 David
+507 69699742


Abel Batista
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
1Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Vicerrectoría de investigación y Postgrado – Museo de Historia Natural, Ciudad Universitaria El Cabrero David, Chiriquí, 427, Panamá.
427 David
+507 69699742

All surveyed areas are within Panama City and are surrounded by high traffic roads and buildings.

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-90, -180], 北 東 [90, -180]

We identified Anolis sagrei based on the set of diagnostic characters proposed by Köhler (2008). This is composed of compressed tail, orange to red dewlap with a yellow margin and scales and enlarged post-anals. Sebastian Lotzkat confirmed the species identification.

Species  Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole)
開始日 2018-03-26

Anolis sagrei Duméril & Bibron, 1837 is one of the most widespread reptiles in the world, having colonized more than 15 countries on two continents. It inhabits open areas and is commonly found around big cities. We noticed the presence of an unreported, nonnative population in Panama City, Panama, which has been established since at least five years. We report Anolis sagrei for the first time in Panama based on collected specimens. We argue that the species is currently abundant in some areas and it could be a threat for native species

タイトル Title. Silent pirates: Anolis sagrei Duméril & Bibron, 1837 (Squamata, Dactyloidae) taking over Panama City, Panama.
識別子 Sebastian Lotzkat
ファンデイング Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENACYT), tel (507) 517-0014, info@senacyt.gob.pa, Edificio 205, Ciudad del Saber, Clayto, Apartado: 0816-02852, Panamá, República de Panamá.
Study Area Description All surveyed areas are within Panama City and are surrounded by high traffic roads and buildings. All the specimens found were georeferenced in WGS 1984 datum.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) On March 26th 2018, we received a photograph from the Director of the Audubon Society Panama, R. Miro, of an anole near the Panama Railway Company at Albrook (Fig. 1; 8.9699°N; 79.5622°W). The photo showed a courting pair of anoles in the border of a planter of ornamental ferns (Fig. 2A). A month later we received another photo from an ornithologist, R. Jordan, of an anole from 50th Street, downtown Panama City (8.9805°N; 79.5209°W), one of the most used roads in the city (Fig. 1–2). We went to those locations and confirmed the presence of the non-native Anolis sagrei. The only vegetation available to the lizards were small patches of gardens and scattered trees (Fig. 2). We set 14 transects along the city, 100 m long each, and used active visual search to find anoles (5 m/min.). All surveyed areas are within Panama City and are surrounded by high traffic roads and buildings. All the specimens found were georeferenced in WGS 1984 datum. The A distribution was created using QGIS (QGIS, 2018) with an OSM layer (OSM contributors 2015).



We set 14 transects along the city, 100 m long each, and used active visual search to find anoles (5 m/min.).

Study Extent Panama City, Panama
Quality Control We identified A. sagrei based on the set of diagnostic characters proposed by Köhler (2008). This is composed of compressed tail, orange to red dewlap with a yellow margin and scales and enlarged post-anals. Sebastian Lotzkat confirmed the species identification.

Method step description:

  1. The species may have been unnoticed in Panama City, because it can easily be confused with the native A. gaigei (C. Jaramillo Pers. Comm.). Distinguishing the species mainly relies on the smaller dewlap with a yellow margin (see Figs. 3 C-D in Köhler et al., 2012:), and compressed tail in A. sagrei (Köhler, 2008; see Figs. 4F and 7C-D in Köhler et al., 2012). Anolis sagrei also often occupies open and urbanized areas and shows behavioral repertoires that are not observed in A. gaigei, such as aggressive responses of males to approaching males or even females. Anolis gaigei is more secretive and it is mainly found in low semideciduous forests and bushy savannahs, usually on trees or fences enclosing cattle pastures.
コレクション名 Museo Herpetológico de Chiriquí
コレクション識別子 MHCH
標本保存方法 Alcohol