The MOBIOS+: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Database for Mindanao's Terrestrial Biodiversity
Dernière version Publié par Biodiversity Data Journal le 2 octobre 2023 Biodiversity Data Journal

The MOBIOS+ project has an overarching goal of establishing a biodiversity database for Mindanao following the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles to advance studies in biodiversity and develop a synthesis to identify current and future conservation priorities in the region. Furthermore, the MOBIOS+ database aims to mainstream rich and important biodiversity in Mindanao. This is through making occurrence records of species from studies from various institutions in Mindanao centralised in an accessible platform. To do this, we collated biodiversity records from published studies and organized them in a standard format, machine readable, and digitally available through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) platform. This project aims to continuously update the species database, complementing on-ground biodiversity efforts in Mindanao. The database is housed at the Biodiversity Synthesis Centre of the Eco/Con Lab at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Tanalgo K (2023): The MOBIOS+: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Database for Mindanao's Terrestrial Biodiversity. v1.8. Biodiversity Data Journal. Dataset/Occurrence.


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Occurrence; vertebrates; invertebrates; Arachnida; Insecta; Malacostraca; Bivalvia; Gastropoda; Actinopterygii; Amphibia; Reptilia; Aves; Mammalia; Philippines; Mindanao; Observation


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Krizler Tanalgo
Assistant Professor
Ecology and Conservation Research Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Southern Mindanao
2nd Floor S&T Building, University of Southern Mindanao
9407 Kabacan
North Cotabato

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Krizler Tanalgo
Assistant Professor
Ecology and Conservation Research Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Southern Mindanao
2nd Floor S&T Building, University of Southern Mindanao
9407 Kabacan
North Cotabato

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Krizler Tanalgo
Assistant Professor
Ecology and Conservation Research Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Southern Mindanao
2nd Floor S&T Building, University of Southern Mindanao
9407 Kabacan
North Cotabato

Autres personnes associées à la ressource:

Chercheur Principal
Krizler Tanalgo
Associate Professor
Ecology and Conservation Research Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Southern Mindanao
2nd floor S&T building, University of Southern Mindanao
9407 Kabacan
North Cotabato
Couverture géographique

Mindanao faunal region, south of the Philippines

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-90, -180], Nord Est [90, 180]
Couverture taxonomique

The 12,814 georeferenced species occurrence is comprised of 1,926 species from 10 taxonomic classes. Invertebrates are represented by Gastropoda (27 spp., 1%), Bivalvia (4 spp., 0.20%), Arachnida (149 spp., 8%), Malacostraca (43 spp., 2%), and Insecta (866 spp., 45%). Whilst, the vertebrates are represented by Actinopterygii (176 spp., 9%), Amphibia (65 spp., 3%), Reptilia (135 spp., 7%), Aves (382 spp., 20%) and Mammalia (78 spp., 4%).

Class  Gastropoda (Gastropods),  Bivalvia (Bivalves),  Arachnida (Arachnids),  Malacostraca (Crabs),  Insecta (Insects),  Actinopterygii (Bony fishes),  Amphibia (Amphibians),  Reptilia (Reptiles),  Aves (Birds),  Mammalia (Mammals)
Couverture temporelle
Date de début / Date de fin 2000-01-01 / 2022-12-31
Données sur le projet

The MOBIOS+ database currently contains information for 12,814 georeferenced species occurrences from 1,925 species from the Mindanao Faunal region (Mainland Mindanao and adjacent provinces in Visayas). The database represents at least ten taxonomic classes of terrestrial and freshwater fauna. This is the first database version that contains biodiversity records based on literature from the early 21st century for terrestrial fauna from the faunal region of Mindanao.

Titre The MOBIOS+: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Database for Mindanao's Terrestrial Biodiversity
Financement The Biodiversity Community Integrated Knowledge Library (BiCIKL) project, funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action under grant agreement No 101007492, has supported the publication of this work.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The database contains data for terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in the entire faunal region of Mindanao, south of the Philippines.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Fournisseur de Contenu
Kier Dela Cruz
Fournisseur de Contenu
Jeaneth Magelen Respicio
Méthodes d'échantillonnage

We applied the PRISMA approach to collect and select biodiversity studies from Mindanao from 2000-2023. We used the combinations of the following keywords: ‘Biodiversity stud*’, ‘Assessment*, ‘Survey’, ‘Terrestrial’, ‘Freshwater’, and ‘Mindanao’ to search for published literature from Google Scholar. We also explore the Biodiversity Literature Repository (BLR) ( and the self-archiving ResearchGate ( for additional published studies, particularly on new localities and natural history notes of species. We excluded the thesis and dissertation to standardise our database because most universities and academic institutions do not have online repositories to access their research. We then assigned teams to collect and analyze data from specific taxonomic groups. We sampled each literature for species occurrence from published articles and books using the Darwin Core Biodiversity Standard format (Wieczorek et al., 2012). We extracted information for the species list, taxonomic classification, conservation status, location of the species, and other relevant information.

Etendue de l'étude MOBIOS+ included occurrence records from 2000-2023. The database contains data for terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in the entire faunal region of Mindanao, south of the Philippines.
Contrôle qualité We countercurated all listed species and their distribution in the database using the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) database ( We excluded dubious species, such as those with problematic identification or species that naturally do not occur in the range without proper discussions or expert clarifications. According to the Catalogue of Life, taxonomy names were aligned and standardised ( We retained the taxonomic classification of species with confusing arrangements. We plotted and mapped all species occurrence within the boundaries of the Mindanao faunal region using QGIS (v. 3.26) (QGIS Development Team, 2022) to curate species occurrence within the range. Biodiversity records outside the range or within unusual locations were counter-checked with the original reference and corrected.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. 1. Collating and filtering published biodiversity studies from the Mindanao faunal region. 2. Reviewing of the studies for suitability based on criteria. 3. Extracting species occurrence data and other relevant metadata from biodiversity studies in Mindanao faunal region. 4. Placing the species distribution and other metadata in Microsoft Office Excel format. 5. Curating species occurrence in Quantum GIS. 6. Organising of occurrence dataset following Darwin Core Standards.
Métadonnées additionnelles