Collected fish taxon-occurrences of the Yongding River Basin, China.
Latest version published by Biodiversity Data Journal on 21 March 2024 Biodiversity Data Journal

The dataset presents 45 fish detected in the Yongding River Basin, with a total of 718 data records and the number of fish being 6238. The important information including taxonomic, geographic location of the occurrence, water body and event date were provided for 45 fish species.

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Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 718 records.

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Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Biodiversity Data Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 59f905d4-fd46-4e45-a80d-ea519e91114d.  Biodiversity Data Journal publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.


Occurrence; Observation


Who created the resource:

Xuejian Li
Institute of Shandong River Wetlands
Laiwu District
271100 Jinan

Who can answer questions about the resource:

Xuejian Li
Institute of Shandong River Wetlands
Laiwu District
271100 Jinan

Who filled in the metadata:

Tian Chen
Master student
Key Laboratory of the Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology
Chaoyang District
100101 Beijing
Geographic Coverage

The entire main stream and nearly all the tributaries of the Yongding River basin, excluding river sections that had dried up.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-90, -180], North East [90, 180]
Taxonomic Coverage

No Description available

Class  Osteichthyes
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date 2019-06-04 / 2019-11-17
Project Data

No Description available

Title Freshwater fish diversity of the Yongding River, the largest river flowing through Beijing

The personnel involved in the project:

Sampling Methods

Fish specimens were collected at 46 sites in the Yongding River Basin in 2019. Samples were collected by hand net (dense mesh), cast net (aperture 1cm×1cm, diameter 5m, length 3.5 meters), and traps (aperture 0.5cm×0.5cm, length 10 meters) in various of aquatic environments. Samples were collected by hand net and cast net in fast-flowing and shallow water. Traps were used in slow-flowing waters and pools. Four traps were usually placed at the sampling point overnight for 12 hours. The collection time using hand nets is one hour. When using cast net sampling, a single sample is collected at each sampling point for 30 minutes. The specimens were fixed in 95% ethanol or 10% formaldehyde solution in the field. Coordinates of sampling locations were recorded using a hand-held GPS locator. The specimens were stored in 95% ethanol at the National Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIZB).

Study Extent Freshwater fish diversity of the Yongding River, the largest river flowing through Beijing.

Method step description:

  1. Fish species were identified by three professional fish taxonomists each time and referred to relevant ichthyology research of Yongding River and its surrounding rivers. Valid species names were in accordance with the taxonomic literature.
Additional Metadata
Alternative Identifiers 59f905d4-fd46-4e45-a80d-ea519e91114d